
[alc_event_scoreboard event=”49″ display_percentage=”1″ title=”Game Scoreboard” link=”url:%23|title:Check%20Previous%20Results||”]

Main Roster

1Brian KingsterMidfielder5'2''186 lbs
2Christian NetteronDefender5'5''180 lbs
3Christofer GrassMidfielder5'6''176 lbs
4David HawkinsForward6'3''202 lbs
5Franklin StevensGoalkeeper5'9''196 lbs
6Griffin PetersonMidfielder6'66''184 lbs
7James MessinalForward5'8''176 lbs
8Mark IronsonDefender6'1''189 lbs
9Nick RodgersGoalkeeper6'6''205 lbs
10Spike ArrowheadMidfielder5'5''180 lbs
[alc_team_stats league_table_id=”56″ values=”%5B%7B%22stat_heading%22%3A%22Team%20Points%22%2C%22stat_value%22%3A%2219%22%2C%22stat_icon%22%3A%22icon_1%22%2C%22stat_icon_symbol%22%3A%223%22%7D%2C%7B%22stat_heading%22%3A%22Goal%20difference%22%2C%22stat_value%22%3A%2225%22%2C%22stat_icon%22%3A%22icon_2%22%2C%22stat_icon_symbol%22%3A%223%22%7D%2C%7B%22stat_heading%22%3A%22Wins%22%2C%22stat_value%22%3A%2220%22%2C%22stat_icon%22%3A%22icon_3%22%2C%22stat_icon_symbol%22%3A%223%22%7D%2C%7B%22stat_heading%22%3A%22Losses%22%2C%22stat_value%22%3A%2222%22%2C%22stat_icon%22%3A%22icon_custom%22%2C%22stat_icon_symbol%22%3A%22L%22%7D%5D” title=”Team Stats”]
[alc_images_carousel images=”1097,1098,1099″ css_animation=”none” title=”Our Awards”]
[alc_team_points_history calendar=”199″ title=”Goals History”]

Primary League

1L.A. Pirates361014118
4Ocean Kings301020100
5Red Wings2882492
8Bloody Wave2463078
[alc_team_leaders player_lists_id=”1119″ values=”%5B%7B%22stat_heading%22%3A%22Goals%22%2C%22stat_value%22%3A%2215%22%2C%22stat_avg%22%3A%2277%22%2C%22stat_number%22%3A%224%22%7D%2C%7B%22stat_heading%22%3A%22Assists%22%2C%22stat_value%22%3A%2216%22%2C%22stat_avg%22%3A%2278%22%2C%22stat_number%22%3A%222%22%7D%5D” title=”Team Leaders”][alc_event_blocks_sm caption=”Latest Results” number=”4″ status=”publish” calendar=”199″ show_all_events_link=”1″ css_animation=”bounceIn” event=”195″ color=”195″ el_class=”chuck”][alc_newslog title=”Team Newslog”][alc_newslog_item date=”September 18, 2016″]Mark Johnson has a tibia fracture and he’s gonna be out of the play for 2 months.[/alc_newslog_item][alc_newslog_item item_type=”join” date=”September 6, 2016″]Dominick R. Blink, a new Shooting Guard from San Francisco has joined the team![/alc_newslog_item][alc_newslog_item item_type=”join” date=”August 17, 2016″]Christopher Grifin, a new Power Forward from Rockstar Bay College has joined the team!.[/alc_newslog_item][alc_newslog_item date=”August 17, 2016″]Thomas Durry has a composed hand fracture and he won’t be playing untill September.[/alc_newslog_item][alc_newslog_item item_type=”exit” date=”August 12, 2016″]Jeremy Rittersen left the team after 2 year in the club and his new house are the Clovers.[/alc_newslog_item][alc_newslog_item item_type=”join” date=”July 17, 2016″]Thomas Black, a new Defender from East Bay Institute has joined the team![/alc_newslog_item][/alc_newslog][alc_games_history title=”Games History”]

Alchemists Roster

Giocatore Goals Height Weight GPG
Brian Kingster 1 5'2'' 186 lbs 0.20
Christian Netteron 0 5'5'' 180 lbs 0.00
Christofer Grass 0 5'6'' 176 lbs 0.00
David Hawkins 0 6'3'' 202 lbs 0.00
Franklin Stevens 0 5'9'' 196 lbs 0.00
Griffin Peterson 8 6'66'' 184 lbs 2.67
James Messinal 6 5'8'' 176 lbs 1.20
Mark Ironson 0 6'1'' 189 lbs 0.00
Nick Rodgers 1 6'6'' 205 lbs 0.20
Spike Arrowhead 0 5'5'' 180 lbs 0.00
Taylor Redner 12 5'6'' 176 lbs 4.00
Thomas Black 0 5'88'' 194 lbs 0.00

Alchemists Top Roster

Giocatore Goals Assists Appearances DRB
James Messinal 6 2 5 52
David Hawkins 0 0 3 0
Griffin Peterson 8 5 3 8
Taylor Redner 12 0 3 21

Complete Roster

# Giocatore Posizione Goals Assists Yellow Cards Red Cards Height Weight MIN Own Goals
1 Nick Rodgers Goalkeeper 1 2 0 1 6'6'' 205 lbs 0 0
2 Spike Arrowhead Midfielder 1 0 1 0 5'5'' 180 lbs 0 0
3 Brian Kingster Midfielder 1 0 2 0 5'2'' 186 lbs 0 0
4 Mark Ironson Defender 0 1 1 1 6'1'' 189 lbs 0 0
5 Thomas Black Defender 1 1 1 1 5'88'' 194 lbs 0 0
8 Christofer Grass Midfielder 1 2 1 0 5'6'' 176 lbs 0 0
9 Franklin Stevens Goalkeeper 1 0 1 2 5'9'' 196 lbs 0 0
12 Christian Netteron Defender 0 2 1 0 5'5'' 180 lbs 0 0
18 David Hawkins Forward 1 1 0 2 6'3'' 202 lbs 0 0
21 James Messinal Forward 6 2 2 1 5'8'' 176 lbs 339 0
26 Griffin Peterson Midfielder 1 0 2 0 6'66'' 184 lbs 0 0
32 Taylor Redner Goalkeeper 1 2 1 1 5'6'' 176 lbs 0 0

Primary League 2013

Pos Club P W D L F A GD Pts
1 Alchemists 0 40 0 70 0 0 0 0
2 Red Wings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Primary League 2014

Pos Club P W D L F A GD Pts
1 Alchemists 0 45 0 67 0 0 0 0
2 Red Wings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Primary League 2015

Pos Club P W D L F A GD Pts
1 Alchemists 0 28 0 86 0 0 0 0
2 Draconians 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Icarus Wings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 L.A. Pirates 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Red Wings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Primary League 2016

Pos Club P W D L F A GD Pts
1 L.A. Pirates 1 36 10 14 2 4 -2 118
2 Sharks 2 32 8 20 0 6 -6 104
3 Alchemists 5 32 7 21 16 7 9 103
4 Ocean Kings 0 30 10 20 0 0 0 100
5 Red Wings 1 28 8 24 2 3 -1 92
6 Clovers 2 27 9 24 3 3 0 90
7 Draconians 1 25 7 28 3 3 0 82
8 Bloody Wave 0 24 6 30 0 0 0 78
9 Icarus Wings 0 22 8 28 0 0 0 72

Primary League 2017

Pos Club P W D L F A GD Pts
1 Alchemists 0 45 0 67 0 0 0 0
2 Bloody Wave 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Clovers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Draconians 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Icarus Wings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 L.A. Pirates 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Ocean Kings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Red Wings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Sharks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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